Meet Shavasti – Teachings from an Awakened Heart
This is the website for the spiritual teacher Shavasti, also known as author John L. Payne, one of the most psychically gifted healers and counsellors you could possibly work with. Beyond his finely tuned High Sense Perception is a depth of compassion and experience rarely met. You will also discover how contained within simple processes is the power to transform. Discover how you have all of the resources within you to bring about your own experience of the world. Imagine what it would be like to discover more of yourself and your innate goodness. Shavasti’s central teaching is the Language of the Soul – Where simplicity IS the healing.
The Language of the Soul
Shavasti’s teachings are simple: Healing takes place when we are willing to tell the absolute truth, devoid of masks and pretences. Simple truth is like oxygen, with it we thrive, without it, we suffocate in our stories. Simple truth is the Soul’s domain, whilst complex stories belong to the fearful ego. In order to heal, we need to want peace much more than to be right about something. For more, CLICK HERE
The Resonance Package
Have you been using the Law of Attraction for a while and yet your stated goals and dreams still seem to be at a distance? Are you frustrated with just not being able to either create what you want or disheartened that what you do manifest just seems to crumble? Have you experience wealth and bankruptcy as a repeating pattern? Do great opportunities slip through your fingers on a regular basis? Are you frequently overlooked when other less able individuals get the rewards? Have you reached a level of great success and yet something is still missing? For more, CLICK HERE
Skype Sessions: Why Work with Shavasti?
Shavasti, is one of the most psychically gifted healers and counsellors you could possibly work with. Beyond his finely tuned High Sense Perception is a depth of compassion and experience rarely met.
Imagine being able to work with one of the world’s foremost Ancestral Healing and Family Constellations Facilitators, Authors, and Healers – all of that with the ease of Skype, and if you don’t have Skype, you will be called on your landline. For more about skype sessions, CLICK HERE
Exclusive Services
Would you like Shavasti to come to you for intense one on one work with results and healing solutions? Do you require absolute confidentiality and Privacy? For more about exclusive services, CLICK HERE