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Stories from the Heart of Leadership
Monday at 11 AM Pacific
April 27, 2015: Exquisite Self Awareness
In a recent survey about projected leadership trends, I noticed something missing. In the question about what qualities did I think leaders would need most in the next 5 years, Self Awareness didn’t show up! This is significant on two fronts: First, I believe Self Awareness is the number one most useful and valuable quality a leader could and should cultivate. Second: It’s not surprising that it didn’t make it onto this list, as we’re still in the transition from leadership being solely about “what leaders do” to include “how leaders are”. To help us all awaken to the usefulness and practice o
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Monday at 11 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel
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Shavasti is a 6 time published author and his latest works Embracing the Power of Truth and Teachings from an Awakened Heart represent a culmination of having worked for 20 years with groups and individuals globally.What he brings to his deep and life changing spiritual teachings and healing work is a breadth of globally seasoned life experienced rarely encountered. He is of mixed heritage and his dual national identities and his multi lingual experience of life, coupled with his thirst for understanding humanity, the nature of fate, nature and that which many have called ‘God’, provide you with a guide and servant who can relate to you no matter your social, material, nationa…..