
Shavasti is an author, teacher and healer. Since a very young age he has wanted to ‘speak of the things of God’ and coupled with his deep experience of Ancestral Healing, Shamanism, Family Systems and Energy Healing Work, he presents himself to you as a spiritual teacher, guide, confident and healer. From the depths of his own personal traumas from childhood and adult life in Africa, he seeks to join you on a journey that will assist to you re-discover your innate goodness, innocence and simple magnificence.

Feelings & Emotions: Power of knowing the difference between them

Feelings & Emotions: Power of knowing the difference between them   As we look around the world we can easily gauge one culture to be cold and unemotional and another culture to be either warm, emotional or even fiery. However, how true are these distinctions? Are Latin and Middle Eastern folk more in touch with

Feelings & Emotions: Power of knowing the difference between them Read More »

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